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Q&A Series with SPESA Chairman Ed Gribbin | Part 1

Updated: Mar 28, 2022


Over the next few issues of Behind the Seams, we'll be speaking with SPESA's new Chairman, Ed Gribbin. The first part of this interview with Ed offers readers some insight into his long and successful career in the sewn products industry. Scroll down to hear more. And stay tuned for more from Ed on industry outlook, trade shows, and the importance of trade associations.

1. What led you to pursue a career in the sewn products industry?

2. You started in manufacturing and merchandising. How did that experience guide you as an industry executive?

What do you like most about your current role as an advisor to the industry?

In the second installation of this series, Michael and Ed discuss the value of trade shows, favorite memories from past Texprocess Americas events, and how the trade show circuit will look different in a post-Covid (or Covid endemic) era. Watch here.

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